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dgħajsa tal-qiegħ tal-ħġieġ

Do you have a desire to see the ocean and all of the cool fish and plants but not go swim in the water? There’s nothing wrong with being a little scared thinking about swimming in the ocean – and you don’t need to worry! And guess what, Shoufang has the perfect answer for you! And with our unique glass bottom ships, you may see all the fantastic things on earth with out ever getting moist. Isn’t that exciting?

Għandna pedala kayaks that are custom made just for you Their bottoms have clear glass so you can see directly into the water beneath you. This means you will get to see all kinds of sea creatures, like colorful fish swimming everywhere and coral reefs looking like big tropical gardens under the water. It’s like your own aquarium, but even better because you’re out there in the open ocean, air all around you fresh!

The Ultimate Viewing Experience for Ocean Enthusiasts

Which you will not want to miss if you love the ocean and all her creatures as much as we do, and our glass bottom boat tours! All our boats are the very best for viewing absolutely all of the action. Soaring high above the ocean, you'll witness all sorts of incredible wonders beneath the water's surface.

Whether you are interested in learning more about the ocean creatures or simply love to watch fish swim, our glass bottom boats are the ideal way to glimpse a variety of sea life. You will notice the tiny little fish that zip around rapidly and big, beautiful fish that swim college through the open water. And guess what? You could even have the opportunity of watching turtles swimming, rays floating gently, and a few jumping dolphins in the waves!

Why choose Shoufang glass bottom boat?

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