One of the essential gear you must have is a life jacket, which in nautical terms we call personal floatation device (PFD). Life Jacket: A life jacket is extremely crucial to your safety in the event you are caught on a body of water with no escape. It is supposed to float and hold you above the water, so your head sticks out well away from it. You will get a variety of life jackets at Shoufang and also in different sizes, categories; therefore you can choose the right form for your body shape that gives you comfort. To reiterate, every kayaker should wear their lifejacket!
Another essential accessory is a paddle Just as a paddle is what helps you navigate and propel your kayak. Because shoufang paddles only use high-quality items, they last so long that even when you are ready to hang it up using with wear and tear, you still have quite a bit of time on your hands for the next one. There are paddle sets available in different sizes and styles, so you can always buy what appeals to your eyes and what feels decent when placed into palms. A kayak paddle can make or break your experience.
Waterproof Phone Case is a very useful accommodement to have. This is useful so as to protect your phone from getting wet if you are kayaking. And with the case, you can take some photos and videos of your adventures without worrying about your phone getting wet. The waterproof phone case from Shoufang is also translucent so you can view and use your phone screen while it remains in a case. This one can make sure you are going to grab all the fun moments and best views without any problem at all.
A great headlamp is essential if you plan to kayak at night, or even in the dawn or dusk. Headlamp — a hands-free light that you wear on your head, so you can see where you are going when paddling. The headlamp from Shoufang boasts of a battery life that lasts up to 5000 hours, so you do not have to concern yourself of it turning off while in the water. Its powerful beam also lets you see well into the distance, making it a breeze to travel through even when the sun goes down. A good headlamp will keep you safe and allow you to have leisurely night kayaking.
It is always a good idea to use a kayak seat cushion which makes the kayaking experience even better. Its soft touch and comfortable to use so if you will sit a long time on your kayak it does not hurt by the chair. Shoufang's seat cushions are made of superior materials for dry and comfortable poking the long time. It comes with a soft seat cushion, making it great for a whole day on the water, where you want to remain comfortable.
A kayak sail is another inventive accessory. When the wind picks up, a kayak sail allows you to travel even faster and spend less time paddling. Kayaking Sail by Shoufang can be easily installed so you can set it up quickly before you embark on your adventure. A kayak sail is the accessory that will make your kayaking trip an exciting experience, especially on windy days when you want to be able to coast through the water, at full speed.
The kayak cart is another important option as well. A kayak cart is a great thing to help move your kayak from one place to another. Instead of dragging your kayak, which gets really old and difficult after a while!) you can just slide it onto the cart and roll on to the water across sand or any surface. Thanks to Shoufang you would definitely find some heavy-duty kayak carts since they are made from sturdy materials, hence, can easily bear the weight of your kayak. A kayak cart makes it so much more pleasant and seems a lot less work to get where you NEED to go for kayaking.
Lai nodrošinātu labāku servisu, esam izveidojuši arī perfektu pēcpārdošanas servisa tīklu. Uzņēmums vienmēr ievēro biznesa filozofiju "vispirms tehnoloģija, vispirms pakalpojums, abpusēji izdevīga sadarbība". Mūsu tirdzniecības darbinieki pārbauda produktu apstrādes laikā un pirms nosūtīšanas, lai nodrošinātu, ka saņemtā prece tiek nosūtīta tieši tā, kā pieprasījāt.
Anhui shoufang outdoor products Co., Ltd., veicot nepārtrauktu izpēti, inovācijas un novatorisku progresu. Kvalitātes kontroles jomā mēs stingri pieņemam starptautiskos un nozares standartus, lai ražotu kanoe laivas, vējdēļus, piepūšamās vannas un zvejas produktus. Var sniegt jūsu idejas vai dizaina rasējumus un logotipu, mūsu dizaineri veiks pielāgotus pakalpojumus atbilstoši jūsu prasībām.
Uzņēmums izmanto progresīvas tehnoloģijas, automātisko ražošanas līniju un perfektu testēšanas aprīkojumu, lai uzlabotu un nodrošinātu katra produkta kvalitāti. Lai nodrošinātu labāku servisu, esam izveidojuši arī perfektu pēcpārdošanas servisa tīklu. Mūsu rūpnīca atrodas Guandžou, Ķīnā, vēlaties apmeklēt rūpnīcu, varat sazināties ar mūsu pārdošanas darbiniekiem, būs viens pret vienu uzņemšanas pakalpojums, aizvedīs jūs uz ievadu, laipni lūdzam jūsu apmeklējumu.
Mēs ražojam kanoe laivas, vējdēļus, piepūšamās vannas un makšķerēšanas produktus, stingri ievērojot starptautiskos un nozares standartus. Izprotiet savas iepirkuma prasības + apstipriniet produkta parametrus (piemēram, izmēru, daudzumu, konfigurāciju utt.) + Nodrošiniet pielāgotus risinājumus + piedāvājiet piedāvājumu + sniedziet paraugus