We rose early in the day. Getting ready was fun! We donned our colorful life vests for safety. A lovely guide taught us how to board the canoe and how to grip our paddles. He demonstrated how to sit in a way that wouldn’t tip the boat. That was critical because we didn’t want to plunge into the water!
The river was amazing! It was so crystal clear, we saw all the way to the bottom. Little fish were swimming all over. Chirpy, colourful birds fluttered around us. We paddled leisurely down the river, admiring all the pretty things around us. Sometimes the water was swift and we had to be more careful.
We saw a few small rapids that made the water bumpy and thrilling. If I feel something stressful from my life, at first, I was scared, but then after I used to enjoy it. Water splashed around our canoe, and we got a little wet. We spotted a small cascading waterfall that resembled something out of the pages of a picture book. The trees were green and so tall they kissed the sky!
Our guide pointed out the animals and plants we saw. He called out different birds and showed us how to be quiet so we wouldn’t scare them away. We saw ducks swimming in the water, and a turtle sunbathing on a log. A blue heron was standing very still in the shallow water, searching for fish.
We made a stop along the rocky shore, stretched our legs, and snacked. The sun was warm and a light breeze stirred the trees. We shared our sandwiches and drank some chilled water. My mom shared delicious cookies with all of us. We briefly reflected on all the amazing things we’ve seen up until now.
After our snack, we climbed back into the canoe and continued exploring. The river meandered, and new things appeared around every bend. Sometimes we had to paddle, and sometimes we just float and take a look around.
By the end of our trip we were exhausted but ecstatic. Our arms were a little sore from paddling, but still, we had big smiles on our faces. Canoeing is a fantastic way to experience nature and have a major adventure. I learned a lot about rivers, animals, and why do you paddle a boat.
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Virksomheden vedtager avanceret teknologi, automatisk produktionslinje og perfekt testudstyr for at forbedre og sikre kvaliteten af hvert produkt. For at kunne yde bedre service har vi også etableret et perfekt eftersalgsservicenetværk. Vores fabrik er beliggende i Guangzhou, Kina, ønsker at besøge fabrikken, kan du kontakte vores salgspersonale, vil være en en-til-en reception service, tage dig til at besøge introduktionen, velkommen dit besøg.